Drugs are chemicals that affect the body and brain. Different drugs can have different
effects. Some effects of drugs include health consequences that are long-lasting and permanent. They can even
continue after a person has stopped taking the substance.
There are a few ways a person can take drugs, including injection, inhalation and ingestion. Depending on how the
drug is delivered, changes how drugs affect your body. For example, the injection of drugs directly into the
bloodstream has an immediate impact, while ingestion has a delayed effect. But all misused drugs affect the brain.
They cause large amounts of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that helps regulate our emotions, motivation and feelings
of pleasure, to flood the brain and produce a “high.” Eventually, drugs can change how the brain works and interfere
with a person’s ability to make choices, leading to intense cravings and compulsive drug use. Over time, this
behavior can turn into a substance dependency, or drug addiction.
Today, more than 7 million people suffer from an illicit drug disorder, and one in four deaths results from illicit
drug use. In fact, more deaths, illnesses and disabilities are associated with drug abuse than any other preventable
health condition. People suffering from drug and alcohol addiction also have a higher risk of unintentional
injuries, accidents and domestic violence incidents.